i was labelled hulk after tearing down my gate.
and right now my dad,bro and bf are fixing the gate.
all thanks to me.
i missed silat today.
cos i'm not really feeling well.
and yes.
i've been looking forward to mondays and tuesadays.
cos of silat.
and in the end i end up sick.
today sch was spent with idah and sofia a lot.
and the amazing part is,
i was10 mins early for class which never happens.
and i didnt really had enough sleep last night.
on sunday my whole day was spent at home.
due to bad pms cramps.
and the bf came over.
so yes.
we spent the whole night talking to my mum.
watching dvds.
alip came over around 2.
and i slept first.
woke up just to see smone sleeping so soundly.
so angelic.
so innocent.
i got to help them out.
after all.
its my fault for being too rough with tt gate.