i've not been feeling well the whole week.
but have indeed been better now.
sent amira to the airport on fri though.
she's going off for her choir comp for like at least 10 days in austria,
and other parts of europe.
damn lucky that little girl.
its been a few days.
and the house hasnt been the same without her.
hard to say this,
but come home soon sea lion.
u're missed.

you know.
i've been wondering.
let me think how should i phrase it.
for example.
ur bf's ex.
should you just hate them just bec they were his ex.
or there's just more to that?
does every girl feels the same hatred too?
come to think of it,
i dont feel tt way towards any of bf's ex.
not even the one tt last for 3 years.
yes there is 1 ex of my ex.
she had serious issues with her mouth.
as far as i can recall,
the rest are fine with me.
i'm still friends with my 1st ex's ex,
whom he actually left me for her.
and most of the rest too.
and i dont pretend to like them.
eh nana kan?
but there's this someone.
i cant say.
i do wonder why she hate me that much.
hard to say.
i used to like her a lot.
for plenty of reason why.
but the usual saying.
things changed.
maybe its bec she's doting on my ex.
oh wait.
doting doesnt sounds nice.
maybe whole heartedly into him.
but does that gives her the permission to not like me too?
mayb it was bec the prev hari raya outing?
in case you didnt knew,
i've always considered abt ur feelings.
believe it or not.
just that her bestfriend, and the guy himself tell me not to bother abt her.
i'm trying to resist saying all the other possible reasons why she hates me.
i dont want to start a fight.
i'll let you in on a secret.
i had always liked the fact tt it was her instead of other girls being with him.
bec i know she'd treat him right.
and another thing.
i give you a scenario.
imagine guy A and girl B are dating.
then one day. guy A decides to leave girl B for girl C.
who's at fault here?
do you blame girl C for rudely interrupting their relationship?
or do you blame girl B for not taking good care of guy A?
or maybe you should blame guy A for having a change of heart?
someone told me,
well the answer you picked actually determine how mature you really are.
and yes before i forgot.
i's always try to find.
what's the word mature really mean in a relationship.
bec believe me,
i've heard the word childish in mine 1 too many times.
but then again,
when i though this someone is mature,
they always prove me wrong.
so what is mature actually?
i've got so much issues here.
but not this open.
i wont tell.
i'm just dead beat of this.
believe me,
it aint worth arguing over guys.